
Notre Dame des Victoires is a National historic site. Construction on the church was first started in 1687, and it was consecrated in 1723. Unlike Notre Dame Basilica in Uppertown, which is the oldest perish in North America north of Mexico, this building is still the original church. In 1759 when the English took over Quebec this church was bombed by cannonballs and burned, but all of the stone walls remain standing. The Basilica, however, was completely destroyed and then rebuilt. 


We were not able to specifically organize a performance here because choirs now rarely perform in the church, and there are only a few services here a year. When we arrived in Lowertown, though, the doors were open and I was able to ask the attendant on site if we could perform. After a phone call we were given permission to perform one piece. 


As we sang crowds that heard us through the open church doors came in from the square outside and gathered at the back of the church.  

The attendant was so impressed by the choir, she asked us to perform a second piece! We sang the three movements (kyrie, gloria, and sanctus) from the "A Little Jazz Mass". Our choir had an opportunity that very few choirs will ever have a chance to do!