
During the pandemic we had to stop singing, but we did not stop making music! We purchased a 5-octaves set of handchimes and began to learn how to play them.

We are back to singing, but this year we have scheduled the first Tuesday of each month as the day when the choir members have the option to also participate in a handchime workshop. The session takes place before our regular rehearsal the children’s choir and at the end of rehearsal for the youth choir.

What are handchimes? Have a look!

Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers (OGEHR)

The youth choir are members of the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers, which is the provinial association for handbells and handchimes. The video above was submitted for the guild’s 2021 Virtual Christmas Concert during the pandemic.

Members of both the youth and children’s choir also participated in the guild’s Trillium Handchime Project Release Event held at Metropolitan United Church in London, Ontario.